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Welcome to the League of Women Voters of Lake Forest/Lake Bluff Area

 Empowering Voters. Defending Democracy. For More Than 100 Years.

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March 31 at 4:30 pm: Let's Connect now at West LF Starbucks
April 1: Election Day
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Our Year In Review: 2024

JANUARY Hot Topics: the 'Talk Of The Towns' presentation to community with LB Village Administrator and LF City Manager.
FEBRUARY LWVIL issues briefing addressed governmental transparency, IL state fiscal policy/budget, mis/dis info, freedom of speech law, and gun violence with a focus on domestic abuse. 
MARCH LWVIL Webinar on Illinois Election Process with IL BOE speaker, zoom webinar on Dobbs Decision and repro health with Deerfield LWV and AAUW Deerfield.
APRIL 'Behind The Curtain in Springfield' co-sponsored with LWVHPH, Home Green Home demo and talk on heat pumps and solar by LWVLFLB, LWVIL webinar on social media and Mis/disinformation – which was just one in a continuing series.
MAY At our Annual Meeting we reviewed local positions and discussed advocacy issues of gun violence (LWVIL) and nominating systems (LWV LFLB)
JUNE National LWVUS Convention Adopted the LWV WA position addressing the Dearth of Local News outlets, voted for a new LWVUS study on Federal Judiciary which includes SCOTUS and almost 900 more appointments, new FY picnic for LWVLFLB.
JULY Lake Bluff parade – We showed our paw-triotism!
AUGUST We were a prize winner in the LF Day Parade, attended LWVIL Assembly and talked about Get Out The Vote (GOTV), smart data postcards, continuing mis/disinformation.
SEPTEMBER Presentation on the Electoral College to the community, LWVIL zoom webinar on SCOTUS, on Voter Reg day we were active at 10 sites
OCTOBER GOTV postcards, Candidate forums including County Board D13 by LWV LFLB, County Board D12 by by LWV HPH with LWV LFLB, LWVLC Lake County Circuit Court Clerk, and Lake Co State’s Atty by LWV Lake Co, Bike Path cleanup.
NOVEMBER LWVUS sent 16k post cards to selected voters, 9 million used Vote411 to vet candidates, 156k candidates were profiled in Voter Guides, and LWVIL fielded 70 pollwatchers!
DECEMBER LWV LFLB’s Holiday Luncheon at Elawa Farm

Who We Are and What We Do

The League of Women Voters believes responsible government should be responsive to the will of the people, promote the conservation and development of natural resources in the public interest, share in the solution of economic and social problems that affect the general welfare, promote a sound economy, maintain an equitable and flexible system of taxation, and adopt domestic policies that facilitate the solution of international problems.

Voter information, education, registration, and support for voters.
Observation and study of local governmental entities. Issue-based advocacy in our community, in Illinois, and in Washington D.C.
Nonpartisan sponsorship of candidate debates and forums.
In-depth education about current issues facing voters in local, state, and national elections.